Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The ban of miraa (khat) trade in the UK Essays - Counties Of Kenya

The ban of miraa (khat) trade in the UK Essays - Counties Of Kenya The ban of miraa (khat) trade in the UK and the Netherlands has been cited as one of major threats to development in Meru County. Other problems affecting the county are cattle rustling, border disputes with Tharaka Nithi and Isiolo counties and natural disasters such as drought, landslides and floods. The County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP, 2013-2017) however says the county enjoys huge opportunities created by the Lamu Port South-Sudan-Ethiopia Transport (Lapsset) project and proximity to the Mt Kenya tourist sites. The county further hopes to cash in on the construction of an airport in Isiolo County, availability of many rivers and water sources and its bordering the proposed resort city of Isiolo. The CIDP adds that the county led by Governor Peter Munya also enjoys adequate raw materials which can be used for industrialisation. UNTAPPED RESOURCES The untapped rich Meru cultural practices and natural resources were also cited as a plus for the vast county. Among the countys strengths, the CIDP says, are availability of wide range of skilled labour, large tracts of arable land, favourable climate for agriculture, potential for irrigation agriculture, strategic location and hospitable people. Meru County further boasts of fair infrastructural facilities including tarmac roads, telecommunication and electricity. At the same time, many financial institutions have set base there. WEAKNESSES The CIDP names limited industrialisation, value addition to agricultural produce, vast un-adjudicated land, relatively high illiteracy levels, cultural rigidity, skewed distribution of education and health facilities and high understaffing across sectors as the countys weaknesses. The county which lies in eastern Kenya also suffers from poor soil conservation measures, poor subsistence agricultural practices and land subdivision. The development plan notes that the tourism potential of the county is not fully exploited owing to poor road networks. It says the county intends to enhance its competitiveness by investing in infrastructural development like roads, electricity, transport and housing and that Sh57 billion is to be raised and pumped into the projects in the next five years.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Setting a Purpose for Motivated Reading

Setting a Purpose for Motivated Reading Setting a purpose for reading helps keep students focused and engaged while reading, and gives them a mission so that comprehension can be reinforced. Reading with purpose motivates children and helps students who tend to rush, take their time reading so they wont skip over key elements in the text. Here are a few ways teachers can set a purpose for reading, as well as teach their students how to set their own purpose. How to Set a Purpose for Reading As the teacher, when you set a purpose for reading be specific. Here are a few prompts: Read until you get to the part where so and so did this.Stop reading until you find out about so and so.Read until you discover___.Read until you find out where the story takes place.Close the book when you figure out the problem in the story. After students have completed your task you can help build comprehension by asking them to do a few quick activities. Here are a few suggestions: Draw a picture of what they think will happen next in the story.Create a concept map recording elements in the story.Write down a problem they discovered while reading the story.Ask critical thinking questions, such as What the solution to the problem in the story?...What is the purpose of this book?....What is the author trying to accomplish?...What issues arise in the story?Retell the story in your own words with a partner.Compare how the characters have changed throughout the story. Teach Students How to Set Their Own Purpose for Reading Before teaching students how to set a purpose for what they are reading make sure they understand that a purpose drives the choices they make while they are reading. Guide students into how to set a purpose by telling them the following three things. You can read to perform a task, such as specific directions. For example, read until you meet the main character in the story.You can read for pure enjoyment.You can read to learn new information. For example, if you wanted to learn about bears. After students decide what their purpose for reading is then they can select a text. After the text is selected you can show students before, during, and after reading strategies that match their purpose for reading. Remind students that as they read they should refer back to their main purpose. Checklist for Reading Purposes Here are a few tips, questions, and statements students should be thinking about before, during, and after reading a text. Before Reading: What do I already know about the topic?What can I expect to learn?Skim the book to find out what I will be learning. During Reading: Pause during reading to reflect upon what was just read. Try to link it to something you already know.Do I understand what I just read?Place a sticky note next to any question, unfamiliar word, or comment you would like to share in the text. After Reading: Reread any passages that confused you.Go over your sticky notes.Summarize in your head what you have just read.